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Overtone spectroscopy of N2H+ molecular ions - application of cavity ring-down spectroscopy

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


A stationary afterglow apparatus in conjunction with a laser absorption cavity ring-down spectrometer has been employed to observe absorption lines in the P-and R-branches of the (200) <- (000) and (21(1)0) <- (01(1)0) vibrational bands of the N2H+ molecular ion as a part of an ongoing study of the electron-ion recombination of N2H+ in afterglow plasmas. The probed absorption lines lie in the near-infrared spectral region around 1580 nm.

The observed transition wavenumbers were fitted to experimental accuracy and improved molecular constants for the (200) vibrational state were obtained. The employed experimental technique enables probing of the translational, rotational and vibrational temperature of the studied ions as well as the determination of the number densities of different quantum states of the ion in discharge and afterglow plasma.