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Martha or Mary - between vita aktiva and vita contemplativa: the Concept of the WOrk of Bernard of Clairvaux

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This article analyses the concept of work by Bernard of Clairvaux and deals also with relation between physical and mental work in monastic milieu (vita activa and vita contemplativa), practical activity and inner rest. The autor first turns to the beginning of monastic tradition and Augustine's treatise De opere monachorum, which established positive evaluation of physical work in monastic, then she presents approach to these subjects in the Benedictine Rule as the central and normative text of Western monasticism.

After evaluation of various treatises of Bernard of Clairvaux (especially his Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem and sermons) she comes to the conslusion, that even though Bernard promotes primarily the contemplative way of monastic life, he places substantial emphasis also on physical work; thus he understands both the ways as complementary and necessary in the monastic community.