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The literacy profiles of Czech precocious readers

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The study examines 9 precocious Czech readers 'performance of a set of pre-literacy , early reading and spelling tasks from kindergarten through the first two grades of primary school were different from that of 9 non-precocious readers selected as matched according to school, age, gender. Profiles of Czech precocious readers for literacy and literacy- related language skills are reported and discussed in the line with the international literature.

The data analyses showed that Czech precocious readers in comparison with their matched peers show superior performance on letter sound and letter names knowledge, phoneme awareness, reading fluency (decoding) and spelling in kindergarten and also in the first grade. In the second grade, both groups of children do not differ on phoneme awareness and reading comprehension performance, significantly better scores for precocious readers are reported for reading accuracy, fluency and writing.