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Value preferences of seniors in relation to work

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The demographic prognoses indicate ageing of the European population, while the necessity of future employment of older people as a solution to the decreasing number of young individuals is being emphasized. In this context, the interest in the issue of using older adults' potential and active life in the "third age" becomes evident.

Considerable attention is paid to ageism and discrimination of older employees on the labor market and in organizations, their work abilities in relation to performance and their work conditions. Nevertheless, the preferences of older people in contexts of working life are also important.

This contribution, drawing on the theory of values of S. H.

Schwartz as its theoretical framework, presents research carried out whit using Value preferences questionnaire (Schwartz Value Survey, 1992). The target group of the inquiry consisted of individuals fulfilling conditions for pension entitlement according to the Czech law (seniors - according to the National action plan for supporting positive ageing for the years 2013-2017, Ministry of work and social affairs, 2013).

The article also reflects the necessity of gaining deeper knowledge about the values of older individuals in relation to work.