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Combining Textual and Speech Features in the NLI Task Using State-of-the-Art Machine Learning Techniques

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We summarize the involvement of our CEMI team in the Native Language Identification shared task, NLI Shared Task~2017, which deals with both textual and speech input data. We submitted the results achieved by using three different system architectures; each of them combines multiple supervised learning models trained on various feature sets.

As expected, better results are achieved with the systems that use both the textual data and the spoken responses. Combining the input data of two different modalities led to a rather dramatic improvement in classification performance.

Our best performing method is based on a set of feed-forward neural networks whose hidden-layer outputs are combined together using a softmax layer. We achieved a macro-averaged F1 score of 0.9257 on the evaluation (unseen) test set and our team placed first in the main task together with other three teams.