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Liposarcoma and ganglioneuroma as primary retroperitoneal tumours

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


We decribe a case reports of two patients with benign and malignant primary retroperitoneal tumors that presented with symptoms due to of the progressive tumor growth. One patient un150 Ces Urol 2015; 19(2): 149-156 Kazuistika derwent percutaneous biopsy with a suspicion of low grade liposarcoma.

The patient was designated for surgical intervention. The recurrence of the tumor occurs in seventh months post-surgery, at which point the tumor was excised and followed by postoperative chemotherapy.

Upon completion the patient underwent an additional surgery for a second recurrence. Incomplete removal of the tumor was performed, and palliative systemic therapy followed.

In the second case, a patient was indicated to adrenalectomy for suspicion of adrenal tumor based on finding from imaging methods. The final histology excluded adrenal pathology and instead described retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma.