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Regional broadcasting as a historically significant part of the radio broadcast RTVS Regional broadcasting as a historically significant part of the radio broadcast RTVS Regional broadcasting as a historically significant part of the radio broadcast RTVS

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Radio broadcasting in Slovakia celebrated in 2016 the 90th anniversary of its establishment, although the Slovak media scene was also significant 1923, when radio broadcasting was established in the former Czechoslovakia. Mentioned connection is also significant in terms of the development of regional broadcasting in Slovakia.

Broadcasting from Bratislava was initially seen as a regional broadcasting towards the capital of the country to the threshold. In its further development regional broadcasting became independent and it created regional studies in Košice, Prešov, Banská Bystrica, Bratislava, which turns their names, continuously wore off and again renewed.

Regional radio broadcasting, however, proved its worth, today there are within RTVS, the radio channel Radio Regina Bratislava, which retains its position, surrounded by private radio stations.