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Hidradenitis suppurativa - Symptoms, diagnostics, and therapy

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin disorder characterized by recurrent inflammatory nodules, fistulas, abscesses, and scarring mainly in the intertriginous areas with terminal hair and apocrine glands. Hidradenitis suppurativa manifests usually after puberty, in the third life decade and persists for many years.

The prevalence of the disease is estimated to be 0,5 % in the Czech Republic. Women are most often affected in the axillary and inguinal parts, while men in the perianal and gluteal areas.

The exact pathogenesis is still unknown. It is assumed that hyperkeratosis of the hair follicle leads to its occlusion, dilatation and further rupture when keratin and bacteria are spilled into the dermis causing a massive inflammatory reaction.

Smoking and obesity belong to the main triggering factors. Without therapy, the disease is chronic and progressive.

The standard therapy depends on the extension of the disorder. For not extensive lesions, treatment consists of topical antiseptics, antibiotics or long- term therapy with systemic antibiotics.

In more advanced stages, systemic therapy with TNF-a antagonists is needed. Further therapeutic modality is surgical intervention and wide excision of the affected area.

Nevertheless, recurrences in the adjacent tissue cannot be avoided.