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Scintigraphic detection of hemangioma - case report

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Aim: To detect the extent of congenital cutaneous hemangioma. Methods: We performed a detection of hemangioma using erythrocytes labeled in vitro with 99mTc.

Images were performed with a gamma camera Symbia T (Siemens). We performed a dynamic study for one hour following injection, static and SPECT/CT images followed after 1 and 2 hours.

Results: We presented a case report of a 25-y-old woman with congenital hemangioma located to the right dorsal side of the body. Nephrectomy of the right kidney due to hemangioma was performed at the age of 3 years.

She felt a pain around cutaneous changes for last 6 months. She was sent to scintigraphy for the detection of the extent of involved skin area and the exclusion of an involvement of other organs.

We detected multiple lesions of increased accumulation of labeled erythrocytes at the lower dorso-lateral area of the thorax and abdomen on the right side in the skin and subcutaneously penetrating to the muscles of the thoracic and abdominal wall. There were at least 5 foci of irregular shape.

The biggest one is 5 cm on average and others 2 to 3 cm. This image was typical for multiple hemangiomas.

We did not detect any involvement of adjacent organs including spine. Conclusion: This examination revealed several other deeply located hemangiomas except of known cutaneous location.

Abdominal organs and spine were not involved. Our case report demonstrates appropriateness of this method to detect the extent of hemangioma.