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Arnobius of Sicca: Adveresus nationes and Octavius of Minucius Felix

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


Arnobius of Sikka is one of the lesser-known Latin writers of Christian authors. He is the author of the only surviving work, the apology of Adversus nationes, which he wrote probably during the period of Diocletian's persecution of Christians or shortly after.

Particular attention is paid to Arnobius' unique concept of Christianity. The work was apparently written shortly after the author's conversion, and therefore captures the view of the Christian community in a very specific way, as if from the outside.

For this reason, the author does not address most of the time-honored questions of the faith, is not informed of the internal affairs of the Church. His situation is thus much like the situation of today's society, with little insight into the situation and the venerable specifics of the Church.

On the other hand, however, Arnobius is very well educated in Pagan mythology and theology as a Gentile. It is precisely for this knowledge that does not hesitate to demonstrate in its text that Arnobius is a valuable source of information for those interested in ancient religions, religions, philosophers, and historians of antiquity.

Our aim was to offer a Czech reader a study on Arnobi's attitude towards Christianity, Greek philosophy and religion, complemented by a historical context. An integral part of this work is also the historically first translation of the apology of Adversus nationes into Czech.

In spite of its name, the book does not contain the translation of the Minutes of Octavius. However, it is used in the study text as a key material for the comparison of the theological motifs for its dialogical form and thematic focus.