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Arnobius and Christ: The concept of Christ in Adversus nationes

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


In the Czech environment relatively not very known Latin-speaking Christian author Arnobius of Sikka is the author of the only preserved work - the apology Adversus nationes. The mentioned apology is an important source of knowledge in the sphere of ancient pagan cults, since Arnobius devotes the greater part of his work just to the polemic against them.

But to a large extent he also deals with questions of Christian faith, though, one might say, from the pagan perspective. The contribution will therefore be dedicated to Arnobius' accents related to the Christian theology.

More specifically it will focus on the problems of the role of Christ in Arnobius' theology. Arnobius due to his conception of the human soul to which he ascribes so called qualitas media comes to a different understanding of the role of Christ in history.

The aim of our contribution is an analysis of this role of Christ on the basis of the own Arnobius' words (ie. of the text Adversus nationes), further we will try to reflect Arnobius' relationship to the doctrine of the church.