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A technique for quantifying the relative angular movement of the head and shoulders

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The objective of this study was to develop a method for quantifying the relative angular movements of the head and shoulders. To analyze and quantify the movement of aforementioned body parts, a turns index (TI) and range of motion (ROM) methods were chosen and used.

It should be noted that the TI method hasn't been used before in neurological practice. By using the TI, the physicians are directly informed about the intensity of patient movements.

The measurements of both inclination and rotation were done to accuracy of 1o by MoCap system containing a combination of camera and gyroscope systems. Then, 2-D plot comparing the head and shoulder rotations and another 2-D plot comparing the head and shoulder inclinations were obtained.

Combination of TI and ROM was then used to model the measured data distribution and evaluate the patient's stability of his body posture. The correlation between the TIs and ROMs is negative moderate to negative strong.

It is possible to use the new method for rehabilitation and diagnosis purposes. (C) Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018.