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A Review of model prediction in diabetes and of designing glucose regulators based on model predictive control for the artificial pancreas

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The present work presents a comparative assessment of glucose prediction models for diabetic patients using data from sensors monitoring blood glucose concentration as well as data from in silico simulations. The models are based on neural networks and linear and nonlinear mathematical models evaluated for prediction horizons ranging from 5 to 120 min.

Furthermore, the implementation of compartment models for simulation of absorption and elimination of insulin, caloric intake and information about physical activity is examined in combination with neural networks and mathematical models, respectively. This assessment also addresses the recent progress and challenges in designing glucose regulators based on model predictive control used as part of artificial pancreas devices for type 1 diabetic patients.

The assessments include 24 papers in total, from 2006 to 2016, in order to investigate progress in blood glucose concentration prediction and in Artificial Pancreas devices for type 1 diabetic patients. (C) 2017, Springer International Publishing AG.