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Open versus laparoscopic appendectomy for acute apendicitis in children

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Acute apendicitis is a common disease affecting both adults and children. The basic therapeutic procedure is an appendectomy.

Open appendectomy has been gradually supplemented and sometimes replaced by a laparoscopic approach in numerous deparments. The aim of our work was to compare laparoscopic and open surgery objectively.

Only the precisely evaluated parameters, i.e. the time of anesthesia, the time of surgery and the duration of post-operative pain, were assessed within the scope of objectification. Data were evaluated only in a homogeneous group of patients with phlegmonous apendicitis.

Laparoscopis approach in the surgical treatment of acute apendicitis is a more modern method than open surgery and it has become a standard procedure in some departments. However, the results of our study confirm that the open approach remains an equivalent alternative to the treatment of acute phlegmonous apendicitis.