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Within the public procurement CZ2005/017/518.05.03.02 VZ60008837, Charles University in Prague created Catalogues of Health Services for the Czech Ministry of Health. It is a unique know-how of its kind in the whole Czech Republic.

Nonetheless, Act no.372/2011 Sb. from November 6, 2011, which is the basis on health services and on their provision, has already been using "health service" as a key term for the whole legislature concerned.Health service is the basic unit of health care production: it is understandable and distinguishable for the consumer, the patient can decide on its usefulness, it has diagnostical-therapeutical aim and medically meaningful structure.The above-mentioned Catalogues define health services, which the Act 372/2011 Sb. refers to, however, they are not used while applying this Act. This legislative shortcoming is bypassed by using the List of performances with points scored values which, nevertheless, defines health care but not health service.

The term "health service" is thus being replaced by its implementation, the "health care" which is not only technically, but also legally problematic with respect to the attributes related to the term "health service" (e.g. the aim, price, intelligibility, rights and obligations, authorization, entitlement). That was also the reason why the Czech Ministry of Health has these Catalogues created.

We want to use our know-how and set up a software application which will promote the use of these Catalogues in the field of public health insurance. In order to do so, the accessibility of these Catalogues to the open public and their simple usage, i.e. browsing, searching and classification of medical cases, have to be enabled.

The most significant part of these Catalogues is the Catalogue of Interventions covering acute inpatient care, outpatient specialist care and primary care. The intended software application will cover particularly this field of invasive and non-invasive interventions.