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What is Style? Revisiting Deleuze and Derrida



The conference "What is Style? Revisiting Deleuze and Derrida" aims to rethink the semiotic problem of style, which is understood as a result of continuous composition and variation of signs/traces. This purpose should be reached by reconsidering Deleuze's work on montage/repetition and Derrida's work on dissemination/iterability.

Both thinkers focus on the same problem of a compulsory "eternal return" of the slightly different, which is usually taken as the same, the identical, the recognizable. Nevertheless, Deleuze's understanding of the expression as an affective becoming differs considerably from Derrida's hauntology of deferrals and supplements.

While Deleuze speaks about "joyful" assemblage and montage of signs, Derrida focuses on "melancholic" dissemination of traces. Is there a crucial difference between Deleuze's repetition and Derrida's iteration? What is the style in these two philosophical perspectives? What makes us recognize one's style?