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The effectiveness of the pollen extract in Sérélys(R) in the treatment of acute climacteric syndrome

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Aim of study: To verify the efcacy of purifed cytoplasm of pollen PI82/GC Fem (Sérélys(R)). Methods: Prospective open three month's survey.

Results: 160 mg of extract was given twice daily. Decrease of climacteric symptoms was signifed (p < 0,0001) - hot flashes by 48,5 %, sleep disturbance by 50,1 %, depresive mood by 51,2 %, irritability by 47,9 %, fatique by 47,8 %, vaginal dryness by 39,63 % ' muscles and joint pain by 27,4 %.

Closure: The pollen extract PI82/GC Fem has verifed high efcacy in therapy of climacteric symptoms.