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Use of perioperative endonasal ultrasound in evaluation of radicality of endoscopic transnasal resection of sellartumors

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Introduction: The objective of our work is to introduce our first experience using the perioperative ultrasound in evaluation of radicality of endoscopic transnasal resection of sellartumors. Methods: BetweenSeptember and October 2011 weperformed 13 endoscopic endonasal operation for intrasellar tumor.

There was macro adenoma in 12 patients and meningeoma in one patient. In all patients an intraoperative in trashpenoidal ultrasound examination was performed.

Postoperative MR findings were compared with perioperative ultrasound findings. Results: We concluded radical resection in 11patientsafterultrasoundexamination and partial resection in 2 patients.

On post operative MR we confirmed radical resection in 9 patients. In 2 patient we were unsuccesful in evaluation of the perioperative ultrasoud examination.

Conclusion: Intraoperative ultrasound is a relatively cheap and available method how to determine the resection radicality in endonasal endoscopic surgery. Long-term results are necessary for conclusion if the perioperative ultrasoundin evaluation of radicality of operation is comparable with magnetic resonance.