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Surgical technique of reverse shoulder arthroplasty

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The success of joint replacements depends on several factors, including patient selection, design of the prosthesis and the method of fixation to bone bed, quality of bone and soft tissue, meticulous surgical technique and postoperative care. Reverse shoulder replacement seems to be reliable surgical management of acute and chronic disability of the shoulder joint in appropriately selected cases.

Its implantation is considered by most surgeons to be more difficult performance than those other joints. The authors summarize the surgical technique in two main indication groups.

Clearly explains the differences in surgical technique, including advantages and disadvantages in each group and highlights important moments of surgery. In each group described positioning of the patient on the operating table, operative technique itself, but also post-operative care.

In the conclusion summarizes the principles of implantation reverse shoulder replacement, essential steps in surgery and what to avoid, specificity implantation in trauma indication.