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Management of damaged articular cartilage and osteoarthritis - surgical treatment

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


In relation to the article about conservative treatment of arthrosis, the authors describe the possibilities of surgical treatment ofpost-traumatic and degenerative chondral defects. Abrasive methods used since the 1960s are still being used to the present timewith a short-term improvement in a clinical condition.

This methods additionally function as bone marrow stimulating performanceagents when used for transplantations. Transplantation is preferred in focal post-traumatic cartilage flat defects or in mildto moderate arthrosis of lower limb joints in younger individuals.

The transplanted cartilaginous defect contains connective tissue,hyaline cartilage-like tissue and, in the case of mosaicplasty, a combination of both of these with hyaline cartilage on the surface ofthe transplanted blocks. In case of correct joint biomechanics there is a mid-term clinical improvement in patients in comparisonwith abrasive arthroplasty.

Implantation of artificial joint replacements is preferred for severe destruction of the joint surface.