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Benešov - Technical and Industrial Town

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This book introduces 36 technical and industrial buildings in town Benešov and its surroundings in wider context of professional frame and historical developement of the locality. Object assortment characterizes the main lines of change that the town went through since the second half of the 19th century till the Second World War.

Except of mainly technical buildings from the older period it focuses especially on factories and manufactories of small industry (food, build, tanning and other industries) that were characteristic for Benešov since the seventies of the 19th century. The whole is supplied with buildings and machineries of town infrastructure that were originated since the eighties of the 19th century.

Although the town Benešov stayed a trade-craft town with agricultural background till the Second World War, the industrial and technical buildings create an important part of its historical developement. The book is a confirmation of not known and too little explorated technical and industrial historical developement of this Central Bohemian town.