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Morphology of a fibrin nanocoating influences dermal fibroblast behavior

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Background: Our study focuses on the fabrication of appropriate scaffolds for skin wound healing. This research brings valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms of adhesion, proliferation, and control of cell behavior through the extracellular matrix represented by synthetic biodegradable nanofibrous membranes coated by biomolecules.

Methods: Nanofibrous polylactic acid (PLA) membranes were prepared by a needle-less electrospinning technology. These membranes were coated with fibrin according to two preparation protocols, and additionally they were coated with fibronectin in order to increase the cell affinity for colonizing the PLA membranes.

The adhesion, growth, and extracellular matrix protein production of neonatal human dermal fibroblasts were evaluated on the nanofibrous membranes. Conclusion: A PLA membrane coated with a homogeneous fibrin mesh seems to be promising for the construction of temporary full-thickness skin tissue substitutes.