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Physical activity in obese renal patients

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


In renal patients, we have expected malnutrition, in the both form of lack or excess (overweight, obesity). With the ageing of renal patients, we address more issues of muscle mass loss, involutional sarcopenia, and sarcopenic obesity.

Sarcopenic obesity in older individuals is additionally accompanied by reduced physical activity, rapid onset of muscle fatigue and decreased physical fitness. In patients before and after kidney transplantation, the issue of higher body weight, overweight and obesity is at the forefront.

Obesity after kidney transplantation may be associated with delayed graft function, difficult surgical healing, higher incidence of acute rejection, comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ICHDK, ICHS and COPD), and overall increased mortality and morbidity of transplanted patients. The aim of this chapter is to describe the importance of physical activity in renal obese patients.