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Current treatment options for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Prostate cancer is mostly hormonal dependent disease from the beginning but during sometime develops in castration-resistant prostate cancer - it is time when the progression of the disease is occurring despite androgen deprivation therapy and patients have a testosterone level drawn. Many trials are interested in finding new opportunities of treatment of this stage.

Thanks these trials we have new drugs: in category of cytotoxic chemotherapy cabazitaxel, new generation of androgen deprivation therapy ARTA (abirateron acetate, enzalutamide). For patients with bone-only metastatic disease, without visceral metastasis, there is an opportunity to use radium 223.

And we can't forget immunotherapy agents as sipuleucel-T and check point inhibitors. So we have many opportunities which significantly prolong median of overall survival with good quality of life.