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Radiotherapy in the treatment of advanced breast cancer

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Radiotherapy (RT) is a therapeutic method , the scope of which is local, locoregional eventually. Advanced breast cancer is now clearly considered a systemic disease.

Indications of breast cancer to RT has historically changed according to new research. When deciding to implement progressively the different factors - first, tumor size and lymph node involvement, ultimately histological type of tumor, age of the patient and consequently the results of immunohistochemical examinations, such as hormone receptor status, mitotic activity and tumor HER2 status.

A significant development immunohistochemical methods in recent years and the possibility of investigating the tumor based on molecular biological genetic expression profile underlying the different subtypes of breast cancer - luminal A, luminal B , luminal HER2, HER2 -rich (rich in HER2) and basal- like (Basaloid). Under the most favorable prognosis is considered luminal subtype A, the highest risk for HER2 -rich and basal- like.

Triple - negative cancers, which partially overlap with the basal-like tumors, frequently metastasize to the lung and brain (up 70%), while luminal cancer in bone and liver (to 70%). In general, the RT breast cancer over the years has undergone after the original eminence of partial attenuation and again now experiencing a renaissance.

However, it is indicated for each patient individually according to the specific characteristics of the tumor. Also significant is the importance of palliative RT.

In the case of inoperable tumors and bleeding RT stop bleeding, reduce pain and causes tumor regression. In the case of bone metastases has irradiation except analgesic effect and beneficial effects on bone structure.

In patients with advanced, such as generalized breast cancer with hormone receptor-positive, who are of childbearing age or premenopausal, RT can be one of the ways to easily stop your ovaries.