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The codified match of the nominativus and accusativus of plural form of neuter: vanishing reality?

Publication at Faculty of Education |


It can hardly be argued that - for historical reasons - the neuter plural agreement has been one of the weak points of the Standard Czech morphology at least since the 1800s. At least since the early 1980s the only codified form (ta velká města zanikla) has been regarded by many speakers and even by many bohemists as too "bookish" whereas the Colloquial Czech form used in informal style in Bohemia (ty velký města zanikly) has still retained a high degree of colloquiality and the Moravian form (ty velké města zanikly) doesn't meet with general acceptence in Bohemia (according to sociolinguistic research).

This paper aims to answer the question to what extent the codified form of neuter plural agreement is applied in present-day TV interviews. The examined specimen contains 200 recordings of the Interview ČT24 show.

The 200 interviewees are celebrities from political and social walks of life.