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Results of gestational trophoblastic tumours treatment in the Czech Republic

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Trophoblastic disease is a very heterogeneous group of benign and also highly malignant entities. All forms of trophoblastic disease are characterized by rare incidence.

This explains a potential risk of diagnostic and therapeutic errors which can lead to very serious consequences. The article presents therapeutic results of malignant gestational trophoblastic tumours in the Czech Republic and Czechoslovakia between the years 1955 - 2012.

In this period 503 patients with malignant gestational trophoblastic tumours were treated in the country. In the early times the treatment results were very dissatisfactory.

Between years 1955-1963, surgical approach was the only method of treatment and more than 94 % of all patients died of haemorrhagic complications of the disease. The turning point came in 60ties, when chemotherapy entered therapeutic strategy.

Since that time the mortality constantly decreased to actual 1.47 % (in the years 2000-2012). The treatment results in the Czech Republic are comparable with results in other specialized centres in the world.