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RAMSES - Ultra-Trace Isotope Research in Social and Environmental Sciences Using Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), the most powerful technique for determining ultra-static isotope levels, is still lacking in the Czech Republic, although it provides excellent research opportunities in diverse scientific and technical disciplines. Needed data on ultra-static quantities or isotopic concentrations today can only be obtained in a limited range and at high prices in AMS laboratories abroad.

To overcome this shortcoming, a new AMS laboratory will be created by expanding the large research infrastructure of the Center of Accelerator and Nuclear Analytical Methods (CANAM) at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚJF). The partners of the project are the Institute of Archaeology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Czech Technical University.

Enhanced infrastructure will be used for the major part of the project, the development of an excellent multidisciplinary research in the fields of determination of 14C (radiocarbon), actinides, and cosmogenic radionuclides. The research objectives include: 14C dating for archaeology, climatology, and paleoecology dating, 14C emission measurements around nuclear power plants, fossil / modern carbon verification in engine fuels, combustion products, diet, pharmaceutical preparations, and cosmetic products.

The RAMSES project (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000728) is funded by the Operational Program Research, Development and Education.