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Electrically induced and detected Néel vector reversal in a collinear antiferromagnet

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Here we show current induced 180° Néel vector reversal and its detection in a collinear antiferromagnet. To trigger the reversal of the Néel order, electrical pulses of opposite polarities are sent through the layer.

Anisotropic magnetoresistance has been used to distinguish two orthogonal Néel vectors. However, since anisotropic magnetoresistance is even in magnetization it cannot alone detect a 180° rotation of the Néel vector.

However, we show it is possible to detect it by measuring the second-order magnetoresistance. The non-linear effect can be explained combing the anisotropic magnetoresistance with a transient tilt of the Néel vector due to a current induced spin-orbit torque.