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Quality of stress tests performed for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

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Introduction: Appropriate performance of stress test is crucial for a quality of reports of a stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. Purpose: Retrospective analysis of stress tests quality performed in our department in the years 2007-2009.

Methods: Stress test could be performed with physical or pharmacological stress. Unless no angina occurs, physical stress is considered adequate if the patient achieves more than 85% of maximal age-predicted heart rate.

Results: We used following types of stress: physical only in 687 (58 %), dipyridamole in 73 (6 %), dipyridamole with physical stress in 418 (35 %), and dobutamine in 10 (1 %) patients. Required heart rate was achieved in 626 (91 %) patients stressed with physical activity.

Patients who did not achieve required heart rate fulfilled adequate double-product in 41 cases, angina occurred in 8 patients, 8 patients achieved 75 % of MPHR. Conclusion: Absolute majority of our patients were stressed adequately, so we do not produce false negative reports.