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The new translation of the epistle to the Hebrews in new Czech Bible translations (Bible 21 and ČSP)

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The author offers an exegetical examination of three selected passages of the epistle to the Hebrews as translated in two new Czech translations of the Bible (ČSP and B21). The final evaluation of both the versions of the epistle to the Hebrews is done according to the specific goals that are expressed in introductions to the two Bibles. ČSP represents a literal approach to Bible translation that brings about a great number of following textual and exegetical comments.

Surprisingly, ČSP remains well readable and its massive commentary as well as many cross references give to this Bible study translation a unique place among Czech Bible versions. The B21 translation convinces us with simple elegance and clarity of formulations as well as its arrangement in paragraphs.

B21 is truly accessible to the modern reader even though it strikes us with some expressions and phrases in rather old-fashioned Czech, very similar to the most famous Czech Bible translation of all times, Bible kralická of 1613.