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Settlement features of Early Iron Age from Chotýš, Kolín distr., and a spiral shape temple rings of "scythic" origin in Central and Eastern Europe

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Te rescue archaeological excavations in municipality Chotýš, distr. Kolín (Central Bohe-mia), revealed - among other features and finds - also two features, that are interpreted as a rest of Late Hallstatt Period settlement site.

Quite remarkable find is a bronze spiral shape temple ring of "scythic" style. Tis piece of jewelry used to be plated by a thin silver sheet on its whole surface.

Since there are just very few known examples of this artefact from Bohemia and extensive foreign literature related to this topic haven't been reflected much, the aim of this article is to discuss the origin, distribution, chronology and typology of this type of jewelry in broader context.