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Histological, haematological and biochemical evaluation of samples after application of antiseptic dental yarn to the rabbit gum - Safety and degradation of dental antiseptic yarn based on hyaluronan in an in-vivo environment on a rabbit model



Aims: Verification of the hyaluronan based device with octenidine in-vivo model using blood sample analysis (blood count, differential leucocyte budget, CRP, total protein, albumin, ALT, AST, GMT, ALP, creatinine, urea), histological examinations of the inner organs (liver, kidney, heart, spleen, lungs) and histological examination of the gum at the site of thetested device implantation. Conclusion: The experimental animals showed no signs of suffering during the experiment or any side effect resulted from the implanted material.

Test results do not suggest that the tested medical device has a negative effect on the animal's internal organs or on the soft tissues in its vicinity. The mucosa at the insertion site of the test device was healed for all experimental animals without signs of pathological reaction.

The presence of the test preparation in group 6 was confirmed. For group 1-4 only typical signs of healing were found.

For group 5, the presence of eosinophilic cells could be observed. The device itself was not found.

Histological examination of gums in group 6 confirmed the persistence of the test device at the site of application and the presence of eosinophilic and multi-nuclear cells. From the above results, it can be assumed that the organism reacts to the presence of the test preparation in the range of physiological reactions and the tested device does not cause tissue damage in its vicinity.

As expected, the individual modifications of the test material degraded differently. The material with the longest degradation time was found at the implantation site after 2 weeks.