Fluvial systems are dynamic and the characteristics of every assessed reach are variable and difficult to quantify based on river type threshold values. The authors of this study considered whether taking into account detailed land cover data from the riparian zone could be of any help in more accurately defining river types and establishing hydromorphological reference conditions.
Detailed land cover data from riparian zones (50 m and 200 m buffers along main rivers) were included among the hydromorphological characteristics of the main rivers on the territory of the Czech Republic, and the relationship between established river types and land cover in riparian zones was evaluated. Land cover data from main river reaches categorized by river type indicate fundamental land cover differences between types that closely correspond with the hydromorphological characteristics of channels.
If we examine riparian zones with no or minimal anthropogenic impact, significant land cover classes emerge for distinct river types that at the same time facilitate more accurate descriptions of river types. For rivers in agricultural lowlands, land cover contributes to revealing modifications of the river network.
This study demonstrates that detailed land cover data can be used to explain differences between river types and can be included among river characteristics for establishing hydromorphological reference conditions or for assessing the level of anthropogenic impact in the riparian zone, which generally has an effect on the channel as well. At the same time, detailed land cover data may significantly help locate new reference sites, or exclude unsuitable sites.