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Musical activities in logopedic prevention : cycle of seminars for kindergarten teachers



A three-part cycle of seminars for kindergarten teachers was organized by the Higher Pedagogical and Social School, Secondary School of Education and Gymnasium, Prague 6, Evropska 33. Seminars were divided into the following areas: Music Activities in Logopedic Prevention in Kindergarten (Kmentová), Logopedic in Practice (Chudomelová), Voice education (Fendrichová), Play the flute (Hurníková), Singing and vocal activities (Lišková).

The afternoon seminars took place on April 20, May 18 and September 14, 2018. They were attended by 55 nursery teachers.

The event was supported by the financial contribution of the City of Prague, project number 1028/2018. (for details see attached file)