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Research in non-Euroepan Areas: Methods, Techniques, Problems, Challenges



The one-day workshop took place on 18th October 2018 at the Center of Ibero-American Studies. An introductory methodological lecture on ethnological research (not only) in Mexico was presented by Adam Uhnák from the University of St.

Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. The workshop included a commemorated presentation of an ethnographic documentary film by Radoslav Hlušek and news from the latest excavations of the Aztec main temple called Templo Mayor by Monika Brenišínová.

Participants' contributions addressed specific methodological, theoretical and ethical issues that accompany field research in a non-European environment, not necessarily ethnographic. Attention was also paid to archival research, sociological surveys etc.

The workshop was focused on the discussion rather than presentation of categorical judgments and conclusions.