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Man and nature

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Education |


The paper summarizes the approaches to the development and evaluation of key competences in natural sciences (biology, geography, chemistry and physics) and was based on a content analysis of the articles published in the international publication database Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS. To search for specific studies (Biology 75, Physics 70, Geography 195, Chemie 300, Science 983), a combination of predefined keywords was assigned.

The research shows that the issue of assessment of general (pre-requisite) key competences in natural sciences is not one of the frequently discussed topics in the WoS and SCOPUS databases; tools for evaluating learning outcomes are mainly focused on the level of tertiary education; great attention is paid to the way of evaluating the achieved vocational education or to identifying misconceptions in selected topics; a very small number of evaluation tools are focused in the context of teaching natural science subjects to assess general competencies; almost all identified tools are aimed at tertiary education; the assessed competencies do not correspond to the concepts of key competences in the RVP ZV and are therefore, to a very limited extent, transferable (usable); a great emphasis is placed on natural science subjects on the well-grounded interconnection of general competences with the educational content of individual subjects.