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Risk behaviour in sporting children and youth

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The monograph addresses some phenomena in children's and youth sport which violate the principles of fair play traditionally associated with sport and limit its positive educational impact on youth. They can be summarized under the term of risk behaviour of sporting youth.

It denotes, in particular, the use of performance-enhancing drugs by sporting children, manifestations of aggressive behaviour and cheating in children's and youth sport. The benefits of sport for this population are generally respected, nevertheless, trends weakening the expected positive impact of sport on the personality development of children and youth are increasingly more common.

In individual chapters, the above phenomena are presented and potentially illustrated by the results of research studies. The research was based on the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.

The intention was to reveal to what extent Czech adolescents report using doping and what their attitudes towards doping are. Another objective was to analyse relations of demographic factors to attitudes towards doping and find out the role of motivation and motivational orientation in the prevalence of doping and potential correlations between self-determination and a tendency to use doping.

The attention was also payed to questions of violence and cheating in youth sport.