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Pivní bar Azyl: between Scene and Community

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Pivní bar Azyl was founded in Liberec in 2009. There was formed a collective around the bar.

It has organized cultural program and participed on the bar operation. The bar got in the existence troubles in 2017, cause the problems with new neighbor.

The collective had to respond to and act. The paper try to describe the nature of collective and research, if the collective has a character of a scene or community.

It notices the mechanisms of collective functioning and its relations with a "outside world". The paper is focused on the developement of collective and if there is some role (and possibly what) of the situation in 2017.

The paper also examine the fact, that Pivní bar Azyl has specialized only in offering beers from small breweries. Does it play a role in the developement and formation of the place and the collectvie, but also of their relationships?