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An assemblage of ceramic vessels form Hostouň (distr. of Kladno) - a grave or a hoard?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In 1921, an assemblage of 8 ceramic vessels and 2 so-called loom weights was found at Hostouň (distr. of Kladno, central Bohemia) in the course of a road building. Its field context was not documented, the find was rescued by a local teacher.

The artifacts are stored at the Charles University in Prague; they are partly whole, partly in fragments, more or less damaged by fire. Their nature responds to the inventory of the later period of the Middle Danubian Tumulus culture.

We cannot solve whether to consider it as a grave inventory, or as a hoard, what seems to be more probably. A twosome composition of the assemblage is striking (two amphoras, pots, jugs, weights, a cup and a cup/small bowl).