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Pharmacy, pharmacists and drugs in the Terezín ghetto

Publication at Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |


The article describes the phenomenon of a pharmacy in the Jewish ghetto in Terezín (Theresienstadt) in connection with the local healthcare system and the history of this ghetto. It lists the names of the Czechoslovak Jewish pharmacists who passed through this ghetto, including their fates, whether they survived or were murdered in extermination concentration camps or died as a result of the cruel living conditions in the ghetto.

The article discusses the fate of the so-called Mischlingskinder ("mixed children", i.e., persons deemed to have both "Aryan" and Jewish ancestry) and "Aryan" men and women from the so-called "mixed" marriages. In a separate section, the attention is also paid to the fate of Jewish pharmacists from Germany and Austria.

In all chapters, the data illustrated by the fate of some pharmacists are stated.