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Mycotic Skin Infection Caused by Arthroderma benhamiae (Trichophyton sp.)

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Arthroderma benhamiae, whose asexual stadium has not been named yet, is therefore referred to as Trichophyton sp. It is a zoophilic dermatophyte which is more and more commonly reported as causative agents of mycotic skin diseases in Europe.

In our conditions, the source of infection are usually Guinea pigs, rabbits or other rodents. Clinically, it resembles mycotic infections caused by Microsporum canis.

During Wood lamp examination green-yellow fluorescence is observed. The treatment of choice is systemic administration of terbinafine, topically are used ciclopiroxolamin and naftifin.

The autors describe a case of 43-year-old woman. whose left thumb was affected by tinea caused by Artroderma benhamiea and successfully treated with terbinafine. The source of the infection was a Guinea pig.