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Kinesiological analysis of involvement of selected muscles during a crawl swimming technique

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this study is to present a project to assess the level of coordination similarities in the wimming cycle as a target motion with simulation and fitness exercises, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of examined activities and their use as a training resource. Electromyographic (EMG) easurements of selected muscles (m. pectoralis major dx, sin; m. latissimus dorsi dx, sin; m. obliquus externus abdominis dx, sin; m. triceps brachii dx, sin) were performed on expertly selected professional wimmer when swimming with the use of the crawl technique in the aquatic environment and training with the use of different devices out of water (swimming simulator, expanders).

Based on the results, se of expanders appears to be preferable alternative to swimming training for the selected individual.