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Personality disorder and its assessment in child custody evaluation

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Reliable diagnose of personality disorder is important for recommendation of appropriate custody arrangement. Never less reliable determination of diagnosis of personality disorder represents number of problems resulting from diagnostic and classification of personality disorder and from specifics of examination of parents involved in custody disputes.

In their chapter in textbook of psychiatry Zvolský a Pavlovský state the assessment of personality base above all on clinical examination and on anamnestic data. Nevertheless in custody disputes we must always take in account the person assessed strives to present itself positively, to give about itself and its behavior most positive or eventually distorted, untrue information.

Generally the objective information about behavior in longer time stretch are the most reliable method of personality assessment. To give reliable evidence of fulfilment of all criteria for diagnosis of specific personality disorder according to MKN-10 is in common practice difficult.

There is general agreement the personality disorder has serious negative impact on parental educational abilities. Literature recommends supervised parenting time and its strict monitoring.

Custody disputes represent very strenuous personal and social situation There is general agreement the most serious problem endangering health and prosperity of children is parental conflict. If a parent suffers from personality disorder conflict is a rule.

Interest if a parent on contact with children must be respected but just as a second priority. Manifestation of such interest may not endanger the children.

If there is evidence the supervised parenting time does not take place or has unsatisfactory results (does not support the relationship of the parent and child or does harm the child) there is need to consider the ban on the contact of parent with the child. To recommend it.

Problems personality disorder represent for assessment of parenting abilities and recommendation of custody arrangement do not have to be subject to expert discussion in cases where there is evident the manners of parent harm health and prosperity of the child. In such a case there is need to recommend the supervised parenting time or ban of the contact.