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Kurgans of the Eastern Kugitang Piedmonts. Preliminary Report on Excavations in Seasons 2015-2017

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In its three field seasons between 2015 and 2017 the Czech-Uzbekistani archaeological mission has focused on the area of the eastern Kugitang piedmonts, especially the Paskhurt Valley (southern Uzbekistan) in order to examine its historical cultural development. As one of the simultaneous activities, excavations of various selected kurgans and kurgan-like features, which were newly detected in the area have been undertaken.

Special attention was paid to the connection between kurgans and settlement sites nearby, particularly those of the Yaz I period (Early Iron Age Period, 2nd millennium BC). Three kurgans of the Yaz I period have been uncovered, however their purpose was not identified with a sepulchral use, but rather with a ritual one.

Besides the excavation of - in local terms - larger kurgans at the site of Kayrit 1, lesser simple stone structures were also excavated, which have not been properly archaeologically researched yet.