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Hierarchical forms of arrangement of unevennesses in reality: a search for regularities and the problems of explanation

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The contribution is devoted to the topic of differentiation of reality. So far, its study has only been paid a scant attention.

It was Professor Jaromír Korčák who emphasised the importance of the topic 80 years ago already, though in a minor study. He postulated the existence of two fundamental types of arrangement of mass phenomena: a relative homogeneity of species on the one hand and an asymmetric differentiation of (not only) geographic systems or the geographic environment, on the other. 0is was followed by other studies, followed up by the author of this contribution.

His analysis had the aim of presenting a basic overview of the results of an 80-year research conducted at the geographical research centre of the Faculty of Science of Charles University. It examined the topic of hierarchical arrangement of environmental systems.