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Quality of sport services provided for preschool children at MS Trencinska

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


This article examines the service quality provided and reviews the sport services satisfaction survey of parents at the MŠ Trenčínská kindergarten located in Prague. This research is slightly complicated because in this case the customer (parent) is not the same person as the consumer (child) of the services.

This survey focuses on the customer point of view and does not comment on any psychomotor or sociological development of the children from a professional point of view. For this survey the SERVQUAL model was used.

The results show that most of the parents at are not fully satisfied with the sport services provided at MŠ Trenčínská. On the other hand, the results do not show dissatisfaction either.

The biggest gap was found in the dimension of tangibles, this is mainly because of the location of the kindergarten and because there is no suitable gymnasium for sport activities. Conversely, most parents were satisfied with the reliability of MŠ Trenčínská.