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Church-Slavonic elements as a source of the Czech Biblical style in the period of the Czech National Revival (Unique attempt of František Novotný from Luže)

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The article deals with linguistic aspects of a Czech Biblical text originating in the period of the beginning of the Czech National Revival which has until recently been entirely forgotten. The text is a Tetraevangelion written by a Catholic priest František Novotný from Luže (1768-1826), an almost forgotten con temporary and collaborator of the great representatives of the Czech National Revival Josef Dobrovský and Josef Jungmann.

His four Gospels in Czech, published in 1810-1811, belong to the "learning type" translations. It continues the Czech Biblical translation tradition, but has many specific features.

The article focuses on the phenomenon that manifested itself as its main and most interesting trait, namely, a strong influence of the Church Slavonic Biblical text, which is an absolutely rare phenomenon at the beginning of the Czech National Revival.