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Why do we fail when treating dyslipidemia?

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Dyslipidemia represents a risk factor in many diseases, of which atherosclerosis is considered to be the most serious cause of thelater development of cardiovascular disease, which is still the most significant cause of death worldwide. At present, almost nobodydisputes the treatment of dyslipidemias as an effective means of preventing cardiovascular disease.

Its basis in all patientsis non-pharmacological, with the drug of first choice being statins, for the benefits and the safety of which we have long-termevidence. However, in order that the treatment of dyslipidemias achieves its goal of decreasing cardiovascular morbidity andmortality, it is necessary to reach the target LDL-cholesterol levels which are determined by the overall cardiovascular risk.

Thishappens in practice only in a small percentage of patients, however. The causes of this failure are many, but, on the other hand,we have a number of possibilities to reverse this unfavourable trend.