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Pressure lesion monitoring - data set validation after second pilot data collection

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Aim: To present the validation process of the data standard for the col-lection of data on pres-sure ulcers and, in particular, to identify the neces-sary and un-neces-sary items that should be monitored at the local level of the health service providers. On the contrary, the aim is not to compare the number of records of pres-sure ulcers and occur-rence of pres-sure ulcers, but to as-sess the pos-sibility of data col-lection in clinical practice and to as-sess their usability in relation to the measures neces-sary for the provision of care.

Methodology: Second pilot validation of the dataset was car-ried out in three participat--ing university hospitals (centres) in the Czech Republic for a period of 6 months (2nd half of 2017). The first pre-pilot validation was organised in the previous 6 months.

Statistical analysis of data was performed in SPSS (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) at a significance level of 0.05. Results: In total, data from 320 records of patients were submitted from all three centres, with 310 completed history records and 498 records of pres-sure ulcers.

There were no statistical-ly significant dif-ferences in data availability and completion of the standardized data set in the required structure (p > 0.05). Based on an as-ses-sment of the administrative burden and the clinical benefit of the data, changes were made to the final data standard.

Conclusion: The prepared technical description of the standardized and validated dataset together with the technical description of the software will al-low simple implementation at national level to unify the special dataset for monitor--ing of pres-sure ulcers.